Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them... Isaiah:58:7

Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker, but helping the poor honors him. Proverbs 13:31

Monday, July 26, 2010

Trip #2 to get Obsi

This time around we flew Turkish Air. Chicago to Istanbul to Ethiopia. Much less traveling time than the first trip. We arrived in Addis early morning, around 2am. When we got to New Flower Guest House, our dear friend Yonaton said he had a surprise for us up in our room. Hmmmmm, I couldn't even begin to imagine. It turns out that Obsi had spent the day with Laurie and Tariku at the Lion Zoo. They all decided that because we paid for the room anyway, Obsi should just spend the night. Obsi was sleeping up in our room and he woke up and got up to greet us. How wonderful is that! I don't have any pictures because by camera was packed away and it being such a surprise, I just wasn't prepared.

This is Bill, Yonaton, Nicky, Obsi, and Tariku. Tariku also came from Kamashi. Kamashi is in western Ethiopia, along the Sudan border.
Obsi and Tariku.

We just hung out all day (Wednesday). Tomorrow, embassy.

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