Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them... Isaiah:58:7

Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker, but helping the poor honors him. Proverbs 13:31

Friday, August 13, 2010


Obsi had his doctor and dentist appointments this week. All is good. On Monday he had 4 vials of blood drawn. All is good. The only concerns: Acne and TB. He will be on antibiotics shortly...hopefully today. So many hour before meals, not with vitamins, twice a day...ugh...I will delegate to him because I can't remember to give them to him.

For TB: We have to wait until our County Health Department appointment next week. The chest xrays showed his TB exposure to be just that, an exposure. So the doctor wants to start him on INH for 9 months! Ugh, another pill. None of us, except Bill, are on any meds so I don't have to deal with keep track of that. I know Obsi will remember. The doctor said the Health Dept. will give us what we need. INH and vitamin B.

The dentist appointment was good but long! He has no cavities but had lots of tartar at his gumline. It took an hour and a half to scrape it off. This was Obsi's first dentist appoint ever! Not bad. He gums were very sore when he was done.

1 comment:

  1. Set up a pill box - you can get ones that have space for twice a day or more. We used one with Aman just because then we knew that he had taken it - and we still do with Tsion's meds (twice a day also) just so we all know that they were taken that day.

    Zeri's first dentist appointment was the same, but he was so excited that his teeth were white!!! He still makes lots of tartar, even though he brushes well. But nothing like when he came.

    Don't worry about the TB meds, it really isn't that big a deal and then he will be cured. Just like Aman's. I was very freaked out that he was TB positive, but it was just the exposure also. though without treatment, it would someday become active. So, I am so thankful for the treatment - it was really quite painless, especially compared to all the diabetes care we do. So to me it wasn't a big deal.

    Glad the rest of the reports all look good!
