Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them... Isaiah:58:7

Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker, but helping the poor honors him. Proverbs 13:31

Friday, January 22, 2010

Friends going over to meet our boys...

I am excited that our friends, who are adopting 3 children from Ethiopian, are going to Addis on Monday. This trip of theirs is the next best thing to me going. They will be at both ophanages where our boys are located. They will have my video camera I just UPS'd to them. They will get to know the boys, live and in-person. They will get to hug them for us. They will take pictures and bring them pictures of our family. The one very far away from Addis, "O", who speaks great English, will be told of our family and where he will be living and going to school. He will know that two of his fellow orphanage mates will be very close to him.

We will have them experience the personalities of our boys. Their feet will be measured so we can bring proper fitting shoes with us when we pick them up. Hopefully we will know what size clothes they wear, rather than guessing.

This family is flying out Monday, Jan 25th and getting back on Tuesday, Feb 2nd. They live in Wausau so I am thinking that her parents will bring us back pictures and our video camera with the much anticipated footage. Oh, I can not wait!!! The mom and dad (grandma and grandpa of the 3 ET children)....have a huge interest in all this because they are the ones bringing "O's" two orphanage mates (M&N) here, to live near "O". They will be just as anxious to get their pictures and also meet their I will give the best report I can when they are back .

Until then...we have a biometrics appoint on Monday...then we get our I-600a processed and will receive our much needed I-171H. We can't pick up our boys without that!


  1. Thanks for the comment on our blog. All 4 of our kids are from orphanage "B" which is the one that is very far from Addis, near Sudan.

  2. I think we are neck and neck in the process and we are using CCI also. We did end up using our senator to get our I171H expedited. Exciting you will get video soon! Amy
