Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them... Isaiah:58:7

Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker, but helping the poor honors him. Proverbs 13:31

Thursday, February 18, 2010

God's Will

The purpose of this post is for me to see how God will work. One of the adoptive moms wrote this on our YahooGroup page:

God's timing has been perfect, although we were required many times to walk in patience and trust Him to move mountains! .......... One thing I learned in this journey thus far is to write down the small miracles, the times you see God answer prayers and move mountains, the blessings....and then when you are standing in front of a large mountain...ask God to move it and He will, in His timing!!!!!! The journal helps so much as you are staring down the largest of all battles. It allowed our family to see and believe that God had started a good work on behalf of (their son) and he was surely going to finish it.

This is my mountain right now:

Tamirat had to be submitted to court. There is fear that his mother may not make it very long as she is very sick. It gets complicated if she dies before court.

Obsi's paperwork is not done. If it doesn't get done soon, we will have to make two trips. Seth and Alex will only make one trip. It is expensive for all of us to go. It is a hard trip. I do not want to make two trips. But yet, I don't want to have either boy escorted home, I want to be there for them. I want Seth and Alex there to meet them. I want it to be a family thing! I don't want anyone left out of the experience! The over-riding theme here is the "I" part. This is where I need to pray for God's will. I know he has it all planned out for our family. We will be blessed and I can't wait to see what he does with this whole situation.

There is also a potential problem of travelling close to the end of May. Seth has finals around that time...will we have to pull him out of school the week of finals? If we wait and take the boys with us to get Obsi, what do we do with Tamirat who won't have a passport or even be legally adopted in WI. We can't leave him behind!

We are being submitted to court on Monday and that is huge! Except, I am not excited. Don't get me wrong, I can't wait until we get Tamirat home with us. His little brother and sister can't wait to see him after a year's absence. "I" just want both boys to come home together. God has a plan.......


  1. oh, MaryKay, I feel for you and totally understand what you are feeling. I will pray for God's peace that passes all understanding to flow over you and Bill. Keep focuses on Christ and He will make His paths known to you.

  2. Praying that God would move this mountain for you! I cannot say enough how much it has meant to us to know others who are going through the same things we are right now with the adoption process. There are so many times when you are excited, but so worried at the same time. What a lesson in patience and trust in the Lord.
    -Kristy Bruce
